
MBNews is the official monthly publication of the Monument Builders of North America. The issue date for MBNews is the first of every month. MBNews content is guided by the Editorial Advisory Board made up of MBNA members ensuring the articles are relevant and useful to monument building professionals.

Each month, MBNews is mailed to more than 700 of the memorial care industry’s key decision-makers:

  • Owners of monument retailing companies
  • Certified Memorialists® working in a monument builder shop.
  • People who buy and specify products and supplies—everything from granite and small hand tools used in the industry, to trucks and truck-mounted cranes.
  • Businesses ranging in size from one- to two-person operations to those with 30 or more employees.
To view the MBNews archives, please log-in to the member portal and access the link in the member’s only tab. 
If you are interested in advertising in the MBNews, please email our Director of Communications, Rachel Daeger

MBNews Editorial Calendar

July – Equipment and Technology

August – Buyers Guide

September – Business Operations

October – Marketing, Sales, and Publicity

November – Monument Industry Show Pre-Conference

December – Funeral Home Relationships