How to Apply to Become a Certified Memorialist
The first step to becoming a Certified Memorialist® is to complete the CM Application. The application includes the participation activity form and MBNA’s Code of Good Practice. You must agree to adhere to both. There is a $300 processing and examination fee for MBNA members and an $800 fee for non-members. Registration for the CM exam includes a digital copy of the CM Manual to help you prepare for the exam. Applicants MUST acquire 50 CEUs/Points and pass the exam (in no particular order) within one (1) year of their application date to earn their credential.
Upon certification, a Certified Memorialist® will be entitled to use the CM initial after their name on all forms of business correspondence. Each new CM will be given a lapel pin and plaque in recognition at MBNA’s Annual Convention Awards Luncheon.